Space Science Posters
A picture is worth a thousand words, and a great way to popularise a concept in space science is to illustrate it as a visual graphic. This contest is as much about art as it is about science, so send us your artist’s interpretation of the scientific concept. You can choose from the list of topics given below, and this contest will be judged in two categories, one for students in classes 9-12 and one for undergraduate college students, from anywhere in India. You can send in the poster as a digital file, or as a photograph of a hand-made one.
Last date for submission: 15 January 2022, 11:59 pm. Please use the form below for this purpose

Themes for classes 9-12
Please choose any one of the following themes for your poster.
1. NASA has sent space crafts that have landed on asteroids like Bennu and Eros. If you were to go along for the ride, how would it look like when you stepped out on the asteroid?
2. There are many kinds of satellites in space, each having a different purpose. The orbit of the satellite depends on its purpose, of course. Can you design a schematic that shows these orbits and what they are useful for?
3. Supposing you landed on Io, one of Jupiter’s moons. Can you draw how the sky would look when Jupiter was above the horizon, with the correct sizes?
4. ISRO’s satellites had revolutionised telecommunications and weather predictions across India a few decades back. Can you choose one of these topics and design a poster that explains how this happens?
5. Can you design a poster that explains the major scientific discoveries made by Chandrayaan 1?
6. Space debris is becoming a grave danger to satellites. Can you design a poster about this problem?
Themes for undergrads
Please choose any one of the following themes for your video.
1. If you could ‘see’ magnetic fields, and you were on the Moon, can you portray how the Earth would look like, and what would each feature be?
2. ISRO has launched rockets of a diverse range of sizes since its inception. Can you design an infographic that shows this range of sizes, and what their capabilities were?
3. Space Weather is becoming increasingly important to predict. This weather is mainly affected by eruptions from the Sun, determined by their magnetic fields. Can you design an infographic that shows how these eruptions arise?
4. Can you design a poster that explains the major scientific discoveries made by Chandrayaan 1?
5. AstroSat is ISRO’s first dedicated multiwavelength astronomy mission, and its different telescopes were made to detect a diverse set of celestial objects. Can you design a poster that shows this range of observable objects and how AstroSat can see them?
6. Can you make a poster that captures some of the ways in which remote sensing can help us track climate change?
For any clarifications, please contact nsss2022kol at gmail dot com