Space Science Videos
This is your chance to make your own video and explain topics in space science in a simple way understandable to a non-specialist. You can choose one of the many themes listed below, and make a video on this topic of no more than 5 minutes. You can just talk in front of a camera, or do a PowerPoint presentation, or make one with fancy graphics – the form is up to you. We will judge the entries primarily on the effectiveness of communicating the topic and the quality of the explanation. You can also submit the video in any Indian language, as long as it also has English subtitles. There are two categories, one for students in classes 9-12 and one for undergraduate students, from anywhere in India. So get your cameras ready! You can upload the video on your youtube channel and send us the link.
Last date for submission: 15 January 2022, 11:59 pm. Please use the form below for this purpose

Themes for classes 9-12
Please choose any one of the following themes for your video.
1. ISRO pioneered the use of satellites for remote sensing of land use, crops, soil properties, and many more such applications. Can you choose any one of these subjects, and explain how remote sensing was done, and how it helped in that context?
2. You are in charge of starting a human settlement on the Moon. What are some of the important things you would start planning for?
3. There have been quite a few Nobel Prizes in Physics given in the field of astronomy in the last 10 years. Can you choose your favourite and explain what the prize was given for?
4. NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) space mission is to be launched soon to try and deflect an asteroid from its path. Tell us about the various ways in which we can avoid an asteroid hitting the Earth, once it is discovered?
5. What keeps a satellite in its orbit, so that it doesn’t come crashing down to Earth after its launch?
6. Climate change is already upon us. Can you tell us some of the ways by which our satellites can help us study its progress?
7. ‘Space weather’ is becoming increasingly important, and many satellites have been launched to help us predict it. What is space weather and why do you think we need to study it?
Themes for undergraduate students
Please choose any one of the following themes for your video.
1. Chandrayaan 1 made global news by discovering water on the Moon. How was the actual discovery made by the instruments aboard?
2. Once Mangalyaan was launched from the rocket, it underwent a series of ‘orbit raising’ manoeuvres to increase its height and ultimately launching it towards Mars. Can you tell us more about this ‘orbit raising’ and why it is needed?
3. ISRO pioneered the use of satellites for remote sensing of land use, crops, soil properties, and many more such applications. Can you choose any one of these subjects, and explain how remote sensing was done, and how it helped in that context?
4. The satellites sent into space are quite small and can fit inside a small room. Why then do we have such gigantic rockets to launch them?
5. Our remote sensing satellites use imaging at a number of wavebands to study the vegetation cover like forests and mangroves. Do the different wavebands tell us different things about the vegetation?
6. Climate change is already upon us. Can you tell us some of the ways by which our satellites can help us study its progress?
7. ‘Space weather’ is becoming increasingly important, and many satellites have been launched to help us predict it. What is space weather and why do you think we need to study it?
For any clarifications, please contact nsss2022kol at gmail dot com