6 - 11 December 2022
This exhibition is open to all with a valid Science City ticket. No additional registration is required.
Click here for detailed Program Schedule

Science Exhibition and Outreach
Interested in knowing about India's space exploration programs and achievements? Do you know how space technologies support us on Earth through facilitating weather forecasts, agricultural activities, communications and navigation technologies? Curious about astrophysical objects like the Sun, moon and planets and maybe the possibility of life beyond the solar system? Are you interested in a career in science and technology fields and wish to know more about local and national opportunities? Come join us at Science City Kolkata during 6 December to 11 December 2022 for a space science exhibition, information on academic opportunities, and interactions with scientists, engineers, space industry representatives and students who are actively contributing to space exploration.
Women of Space Sciences
This would be a panel discussion or adda session by women scientists hosted in a friendly, informal manner, highlighting opportunities in India in the science and technology fields, discussing shared experiences of doing science from a women’s perspective. This is especially targeted for girl students, but everyone is welcome!
Interactions with Scientists and Entrepreneurs
Want to be a space scientist? Do you wish to explore the wonders of the Universe? What are the opportunities for pursuing space sciences in India and what is a typical career trajectory? Come talk to astronomers, space scientists and space technology entrepreneurs, have informal interactions and a chai session with them and think the sky is NOT the limit!
Industry Academia Interactions
How are new space start-ups and the industry taking advantage of space-reliant technologies to provide services essential to the society and the nation? How can industry and academia collaborate to transform the space technology ecosystem in India? We expect to have space tech start-ups and company representatives in attendance to facilitate industry academia interactions and interact with students and the public. A panel discussion on this topic to catalyze closer interactions between academia and socially relevant space industry initiatives is also being planned.
Science Adda in Bengali
In collaboration with Science City Kolkata
The outreach program includes a Science Adda session in Bengali at Science City on one of the cold winter afternoons of Kolkata. We expect to have people from science and other diverse backgrounds to come together and discuss about science and beyond.
Public Lectures
In collaboration with our outreach partners, IISER Kolkata, S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Presidency University, University of Calcutta, Birla Industrial & Technological Museum and Science City
Our ability to put satellites into orbit has proven useful in weather monitoring, remote sensing, astronomy using space telescopes, and planetary explorations. Indian scientists are involved in various exciting scientific research to explore the Universe we share. We will be organizing a number of public talks aimed at school and college students and the general public to share our excitement of science with the citizens of India.
Rural Area Outreach
A rural outreach program is planned by St. Xavier's College Kolkata at its Raghabpur Campus targeted towards the school children and youth from adjoining areas.
Exhibitors in Attendance
Regional Remote Sensing Centre East, NRSC ISRO (Kolkata)
Science Program Office, ISRO Headquarters
ISRO Inertial Systems Unit, Thiruvananthapuram
North Eastern Space Applications Centre (NESAC), Umiam, Meghalaya
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad
Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES)
IISER Kolkata
Indian Institute of Astrophysics
S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences
Presidency University
St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Kolkata
Astronomical Society of India, Public Outreach and Education Committee
Ashoka University
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO, Dehradun
New Space Start-ups and Space-Reliant Industry Invitees
SatCom Industry Association (SIA-India)
Genex Space,
Numer8 Analytics,
The exhibition, panel discussion, and some of the public lectures and science adda sessions will be held at Science City Kolkata. A few public lectures and interactions with scientists will also be conducted at our partner organization.
For any clarifications, please contact nsss2022loc at gmail dot com